Getting Help For Opioid Use Disorder During The Holidays
Is it possible to get clean and sober during the holiday season? Of course, it is, but it may feel challenging. Unfortunately, there’s no “good” or “bad” time to get help for a substance use disorder. Addiction has never decided to be convenient to anyone. However, if you’re ready to stop using drugs and are willing to try Medication-Assisted Treatment, there’s help available any day of the year.
Asking For Help During The Holidays
Your family, if supportive, may be able to support you when you decide to get help for your addiction. Maybe your sibling, for example, is coming to town for Christmas, and you want them to accompany you to detox.
The holiday season can be difficult for people with a substance use disorder. After all, every family has baggage.
There may be feelings of hurt or trauma in your earlier life that are harder to deal with this time of year, so you may end up using more or harder substances to “get through” this time of year. Sadly, this is why there is an uptick in overdoses during the holiday season.
You don’t have to disclose that you have a substance use disorder to anyone you don’t want to. But getting and staying clean from opioids or other substances is the most important, life-affirming decision you can make this time of year.
Recovering From Opioid Use Disorder
People begin the recovery journey every day, from all walks of life. No matter what day of the month or year it is, you’re worth it. Most people who use Medication-Assisted Treatment choose to go to individual or group therapy. 12-step programs are also an essential resource for people new to recovery. Building a support system, being gentle with yourself, and working on your recovery program one day at a time can help you build a solid foundation in recovery.
Medication-Assisted Treatment, alongside therapy, is considered the gold standard for treating opioid use disorder. We ask that you be in the early stages of opioid withdrawal for our patients, with 12-24 clean on the day we begin treatment. Otherwise, there are no rigid requirements. Instead, we help you start a plan for recovery that fits your needs.
Getting Help for Opioid Use Disorder
If you or somebody you love is considering getting clean from opioids, we’re here to help answer any questions you may have. We offer Medication-Assisted Treatment services to clients across North Carolina.
If you are in need of help, please call us at: 910-295-7246 or message us.