Understanding Xylazine, A Scary Drug Being Added to Fentanyl
Fentanyl is the cause of death in most overdose cases in the US, even as the country has struggled to get the opioid epidemic under control. However, as more people begin to use fentanyl as their drug of choice, a new drug has started to be mixed with it. A tranquilizer called xylazine is added to fentanyl on the streets to increase the high and make it last longer. Together, fentanyl and xylazine combine to create a potent and dangerous new drug called "tranq dope" due to its sedative properties.
Xylazine is a dangerous drug that is used as an adulterant in fentanyl as well as other opioids. It has become increasingly popular among drug dealers as an adulterant, and its usage can be extremely dangerous.
The Origins of Tranq Dope and Fentanyl
Xylazine and Fentanyl are potent prescription medications that are used in medical settings to manage pain, induce sedation, or in the case of Xylazine, as a veterinary sedative. However, both drugs can be dangerous and deadly when misused or without proper medical supervision.
Xylazine has serious side effects such as slowed heart rate, lowered blood pressure, respiratory depression, and in some cases, can lead to coma and death. Fentanyl is a powerful prescription painkiller used to manage severe pain in patients, such as those with cancer or undergoing surgery. However, it is highly addictive and can cause respiratory depression, leading to death if not used as directed by a healthcare professional.
Fentanyl has also been linked to a significant increase in overdose deaths in recent years and is considered the top contributor to the opioids crisis, which killed over 80,000 Americans last year.
Dangers of Xylazine and Tranq Dope
The DEA says that they have seized tranq dope in 48 states, and it's expected to become as ubiquitous as fentanyl when it comes to pollutants. Moreover, it's cheap, likely made in China or India, and can be pressed into pills with other drugs.
Xylazine is not approved for human use but is sometimes used illegally as a street drug. As such, it has many risks. Xylazine can cause extreme drowsiness, confusion, slurred speech, and even coma in some cases of overdose. The sedation effect is described as "heavy" and can leave users unable to wake up in case of danger or overdose.
Tranq dope can cause serious health problems such as skin ulcers, seizures, and even death due to overdose. The skin ulcers can appear anywhere on the body and will bleed. In addition, because people who use opioids tend to have poor nutrition, there is an increased risk of infection.
Addiction to Tranq Dope
Many people who use these drugs don't intend to use them for more than recreational purposes but instead, end up becoming addicted to them. This is why it's important to be aware of the risks associated with these drugs and to seek help if you find yourself struggling with addiction.
Philadelphia, for example, has faced a crisis due to the influx of tranq dope and user in the past several years.
Tranq dope can also cause addiction to fentanyl and xylazine.
Getting Help for Opioid Use Disorder
No matter what drug you use or how often you use it, you may have an opioid use disorder if you depend on it to function or continue to use it despite negative consequences. Fentanyl is a potent drug that is very hard to quit without help. However, it's possible to get treatment for fentanyl addiction and reclaim your life with the help of tools such as Medication-Assisted Treatment.
We offer MAT to people in North Carolina and are happy to discuss your options for getting and staying sober. Please get in touch; 100% of our phone calls are confidential.
If you are in need of help, please call us at: 910-295-7246 or message us.
opioids fentanyl