What Is Suboxone Induction?
If you are considering Medication-Assisted Treatment for opioid use disorder, you may have heard about Suboxone. Many people choose to utilize MAT to help themselves achieve long-term sobriety. Suboxone, which contains both Buprenorphine and Naloxone, is a safe and vital tool for people with opioid use disorder. Getting into a MAT program involves participating in three stages, including Suboxone induction.
Suboxone is considered a safe and essential medication for people who want to stay sober and focus on their recovery. It can help block the effects of other opioids while also helping to prevent cravings or withdrawal symptoms for a person with oud.
Phases Of MAT With Suboxone
MAT is a part of a treatment plan for individuals with opioid use disorders. Most people who utilize MAT also agree to a treatment plan that aligns with milestones and other goals. This plan will help a person begin to take the first steps toward recovery from addiction. People on MAT, especially Suboxone, need to take specific actions to stay sober and start their healing journey.
MAT is usually done in phases as a part of this recovery program. Alongside MAT, clients typically participate in group therapy and 12-step meetings for peer support. Healthcare professionals and their treatment teams should also guide them.
There are three different phases of MAT with Suboxone:
- Induction typically takes place in the first few days of treatment. During this time, a person’s body is getting acclimated to sobriety and is continuing to detox from opioids. During this time, their dose may be adjusted.
- Stabilization typically lasts a few weeks. During this time, a person usually begins to attend therapy or plot their subsequent decisions for treatment and recovery.
- Maintenance is the period that the client takes the medication. It’s important to note that this is when a person continues to work on themselves and recovery.
People usually work closely with their treatment providers and create a plan for recovery that includes therapy and peer support groups.
The Induction Stage of Suboxone Treatment
Usually, you’ll have abstained for about 24 hours or more when you arrive at your appointment. This can put you into withdrawal. The clinical team that works with you will assess your withdrawal symptoms and severity so that they can have a clear idea of the dosage that will be appropriate for MAT.
Clients must be in mild withdrawal when they begin their medication. Otherwise, it may cause them to go into immediate and severe withdrawal. This condition, called precipitated withdrawal, can be unpleasant and even dangerous.
When taking Suboxone, the patient usually experiences it within 45 minutes of their dose. From this point on, the client will be monitored closely. The treatment provider will ask the patient to check in via video or in-person sessions.
Prescriptions are often issued short-term so that the client will check in frequently. On the first day of Suboxone, a person will get a medication that will last until the next appointment. Different programs have different rules on how long induction will last. Some people may end up needing their prescriptions adjusted.
Beyond Suboxone Induction
The next step of recovery is maintenance. This involves attending therapy or a recovery program. Many doctors suggest people continue a maintenance dose of Suboxone for six months to eighteen months. Research has shown that longer-term use means better outcomes. Putting more time between a person’s last drug use can help them achieve recovery and serenity.
Getting to understand opioid use disorder and learning new coping skills is essential. Treatment and peer support can help a person begin to live a more peaceful and productive life in recovery. Many people find comfort and community in 12-step programs like Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous.
Staying sober long-term is the most important goal, and Suboxone is a tool that helps people achieve longer-term sobriety.
Getting Help for Addiction With MAT
If you or somebody you love is living with opioid use disorder and want a solution to get help, we’re here for you! We can go over MAT in person or via Telehealth and help you plot a course to reclaim your life. Addiction is a disease, but it’s treatable, and MAT is considered the “gold standard” of treatment for opioid use disorder.
Get in touch to learn more about your options at 910-295-7246.
If you are in need of help, please call us at: 910-295-7246 or message us.
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